Jacqueline Barlow Associate Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on DNA damage and repair mechanisms in cancer development. 530-752-9529 jhbarlow@ucdavis.edu Lab website 313 Briggs Hall
Jonathan H. Bragg Assistant Professor of Teaching Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on new student experiences and self-regulated learning. jhbragg@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar ORCID (0000-0002-3172-7451) 335 Briggs Hall
Arthur Charles-Orszag Assistant Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on the evolutionary cell biology of archaea and eukaryogenesis. 530-752-6679 acharlesorszag@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 243 Briggs Hall
Sean R. Collins Associate Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on cell signaling networks and their role in cellular responses. 530-752-7497 srcollins@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar ORCID (0000-0002-4276-5840) 334 Briggs Hall
Scott C. Dawson Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on cytoskeletal biology and evolution of microbial eukaryotes. 530-752-3633 scdawson@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar ORCID (0000-0002-0843-1759) 237 Briggs Hall
Sam L. Díaz-Muñoz Assistant Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on the evolution and ecology of viruses and their hosts. samdiazmunoz@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 255 Briggs Hall
Wolf-Dietrich Heyer Distinguished Professor and Chair Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on the mechanisms of homologous recombination and DNA repair. 530-752-3001 wdheyer@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 3163 Green Hall
Neil Hunter Professor Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on meiosis and gamete quality. 530-754-4401 nhunter@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar 347C Briggs Hall
Chang-il Hwang Assistant Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on the molecular and genetic mechanisms of cancer. cihwang@ucdavis.edu Lab website Google Scholar ORCID (0000-0002-5710-7672) 241B Briggs Hall
Michele M. Igo Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs Professor Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Research focuses on strategies to help instructors gain greater insight into how students engage with online content. 530-752-6778 (executive assistant) mmigo@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar 203 Green Hall