This course introduces the foundational principles of ecology and evolution, emphasizing natural selection's role in biological sciences. Units: 4 units (3 lecture, 1 discussion).
Topical Description and Schedule (DRAFT)
Key Topics
Students will explore population and community ecology, ecosystems, species interactions, natural selection, population genetics, speciation, phylogenetics ("tree-thinking"), and the history of life on Earth.
New Approach
- Small TA-led discussion groups reinforce lecture learning goals.
- Reduced content coverage in some areas to ensure foundational concepts are well understood, leaving advanced details for upper-division courses.
Curricular Changes
- Continued coverage of population and community ecology, ecosystems, species interactions, natural selection, population genetics, and conservation biology.
- Covers the basics of “tree-thinking” (phylogenetics) and the history of life on Earth.
- Reduced depth in many areas, and elimination of some materials currently covered better at the upper division level.