Marilynn E. Etzler

Marilynn Etzler

Position Title
Professor Emerita

  • Molecular and Cellular Biology

Research Interests

Structure and function relationships, carbohydrate specificity, and physiological roles of plant lectins, particularly from Dolichos biflorus.

Education and Degree(s)
  • 1962 B.S. in Biology/Chemistry, Otterbein College, Ohio
  • 1967 Ph.D. in Biology, Washington University
  • Etzler, M.E., G. Kalsi, N.N. Ewing, N.J. Roberts, R.B. Day and J.B. Murphy . 1999. A Nod factor binding lectin with apyrase activity from legume roots. . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) . 96:5856-5861
  • Roberts, N.J., J. Brigham, B. Wu, J. Murphy, H. Volpin, D.A. Phillips and M.E. Etzler. 1999. A Nod factor binding lectin is a member of a distinct class of apyrases that may be unique to legumes. . Mol. Gen. Genet.. 262:261-267
  • Hamelryck, T.W., R. Loris, J. Bouckaert, M-H Dao-Thi, G. Strecker, A. Imberty, E. Fernandez, L. Wyns and M.E. Etzler . 1999. Carbohydrate binding, quaternary structure and a novel hydrophobic binding site in two legume lectin oligomers from Dolichos biflo
