Can I enter BUSP after beginning my freshman year or as a sophomore?
No. Only incoming freshmen can join BUSP at the beginning of fall quarter. However, eligible Junior and Senior students who are interested in research are encouraged to apply for ADAR-Honors, ADNR-Honors, MARC, or CURE without having participated in BUSP.
When do BUSP students take the Introductory Biology Series?
BUSP students start the Introductory Biology Series (BIS 2 Series) in winter quarter of their freshman year and complete it in their sophomore year.
Do I have to take the BUSP Chemistry Intensive Course even if I qualify for CHE 2A?
Yes, this is mandatory for all BUSP freshmen, regardless of your chemistry placement score or if you have completed AP chemistry in high school. This course significantly enhances BUSP student performance in Introductory Chemistry and is well-worth the investment of time and effort.
What do BUSP students study in the summer following their freshman year?
During the summer, BUSP students participate in a Biology Boot Camp to prepare them for success in BIS 2A. Biology Boot Camp is free for all BUSP students and is required for all BUSP students in the Research Component, and ADAR and ADNR sophomore programs.